It took 10 mornings of hoeing to get through the entire Sunflower field. When I started, I thought I could do this in a day or two..This required some friends of the farm to come out and help. Even Dion who is so busy with other things helped out! The first blooms are appearing in the field! We have a month more of growing time before the Sunflower Festivals kick off on September 2nd, which at the rate things have been growing will be just the perfect time to see the field ablaze with color. The pumpkins look pretty good too. I spotted a couple pumpkins. They should be ready for picking by October. The corn mazes

will need another haircut this coming week so I will be helping with that. We are looking for people to help work the Fall Harvest Festival season with us. I just posted a page about the positions available. Please apply if you are interested in making some extra money while having a great time outdoors on the farm!